
With the current trends of technology, most of the people in the globe might use computer. Every individual interact with computer to either perform his assignment or just for entertainment purpose.it up to the needs of people why they use computer for either work or any other purpose. However, according to me computer is a part of our life.

When we use computer every one want to perform quickly to save every second of time. In addition, off course when you want to complete quickly you need to use some shortcut keys. Many people know about some shortcuts and they use in their daily usage. However, here I will show you some useful tricks that help you to perform quickly and save your valuable time.

If there is more than one page is open in your computer and suddenly you close one tab.And you need to open that tab again simply by pressing these keys you will be able to open it again. For mac user use cmd+shift+T to open again.

Window key +Arrow Key
By pressing, the keys your current window will snap to one side of your computer. Moreover, you will see your other open window on your computer.

This is the most popular shortcut I think everyone know about this shortcut. However, this shortcut is use everywhere when you perform a wrong step.

Rename File
Right click a file and then rename is time consuming simply click a file you want to rename and then press F2 you will be able to rename a file.

Rename file in Sequence
If you have more than one file and you want to rename it sequentially then select all files and right click on first and rename it.the remaining file will be rename as a sequence.E.g example1,example2,example3 and so on.

YouTube Keyboard shortcut
When you listing or watching something on YouTube, space bar is used to pause but you can you use k for pause.M work for mute and J/L used for 10 second forward and backward.

Finding your Wi-Fi password
In window, right click on Wi-Fi icon open network and internet setting and then network and sharing center. Right click Wi-Fi network properties, then wireless properties and then click show character.
When you copy text from any place and past simply, then the copied text is in exact format from where it is copied. Press Ctrl+Shift+V to copy un-formatted text.

Bowser shortcut

URL Address
To go to URL bar directly from anywhere in browser press Ctrl+L/F6/Alt+D all of these have accomplish same goal.

Adding WWW and .Com
When you write only URL address and want to add www and .com then press Ctrl+Enter.

Shifting from one tab to another
When you are at current tab and want to another open tab then press Ctrl+Tab.by pressing these keys you can easily move from one page to another.

Scroll down a chunk of page

When you are at a web page and want to scroll down a chunk of text then press space bar. Moreover, if you want to go back to that position then press Shifit+spacebar.
Open Image in New Tab
If you are at a web page and want to open specific image in new tab.Simply press and hold S and right click you will be redirected to new web page with that image.

Download files
When you at a browser and want to see you download file or status of download files simply press Ctrl+J.

Open New Tab In browser
If you want to open new Tab in browser it can be done by pressing plus sign on the top of browser but use Ctrl+T to open easily.

Private Browsing
If you want to search something private mean you do not want to keep history of your search then press Ctrl+Shift+N.by pressing these keys you will be redirected to new private search.

Open History Panel
If you want to open, you search history panel press Ctrl+H to open it.

Microsoft Word Shortcuts

Select All Text
Ctrl + B
Bold the select text
Ctrl + C
Copy select text
Ctrl + X
Cut selected text
Ctrl + N
Open new document
Ctrl + O
Open dialog box
Ctrl + P
To print document
Ctrl + F
Open find box
Ctrl + I
Make italic selected text
Ctrl + K
Insert any link
Ctrl + U
To underline text
Ctrl + V
Paste text or image
Ctrl + Y
Redo the action
Ctrl + Z
Undo last step
Ctrl + G
Find and replace dialog box
Ctrl + H
Find and replace
Ctrl + J
Justify paragraph
Ctrl + L
Align selected text
Ctrl + Q
Align selected paragraph to left
Ctrl + E
Allgin text to center
Ctrl + R
Align to right
Ctrl + M
Ctrl + T
Hanging the indent
Ctrl + D
Font option
Ctrl + Shift + F
To change font
Ctrl + Shift + >
Increase font size
Ctrl + ]
Increase font
Ctrl + Shift + <
Decrease font
Ctrl + [
Decrease font
Ctrl + Shift + *
Hide non printing character
Ctrl + ß
Go one word to left
Ctrl + à
Move one word to right
Ctrl + Up Arrow
Move to the begging
Ctrl + Down Arrow
Move to end
Ctrl +Del
Delete word
Ctrl +Backspace
Delete word
Ctrl + End
Move to the end of document
Ctrl + Home
Move to begging
Ctrl + Space
Reset text
Ctrl + 1
Single space line
Ctrl + 2
Double space line
Ctrl + 5
1.5 line spacing
Ctrl + Alt + 1
Change to heading 1
Ctrl + Alt +2
Chang to heading 2
Ctrl + Alt + 3
Change to heading 3
Open help
Shift + F3
Change case
Shift + insert
Repeat last action
Spell check
Shift + F7
Save as
Ctrl + S
Shift + F12
Alt + Shift + D
Insert date
Alt + Shift + T
Insert time
Ctrl + W

Excel short Keys
Ctrl + W
Close document
Shift + Space
Select entire row
Ctrl + Space
Select column
Ctrl + à
Move to next section
Ctrl + Shift + @
Format number
Ctrl + Shift + ^
Format in scientific
Ctrl + Shift + %
Format in percent
Ctrl + Shift + #
In data format
Ctrl + Shift + $
Currency format
Ctrl + Shift + !
Comma format
Ctrl + ‘
Insert value of above
Alt + =
Create a formula
Ctrl + Tab
Move between files
Ctrl + page up/down
Move b/w excel work sheet
Ctrl + F6
Swatch b/w open workbook
Ctrl + F10
Maximize window
Ctrl + F9
Minimize window
Ctrl + Z
Undo last action
Ctrl + S
Ctrl + P
Open print box
Ctrl + N
Open new docs
Ctrl + O
Open option
Ctrl + 5
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + U
Under line
Ctrl + H
find and replace
Ctrl + G
Go to option
Ctrl + F
Find and replace
Ctrl + K
Insert link
Ctrl + D
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + I
Ctrl + B
Ctrl + A
Select all
Shift + F5
Search box
Shift + F3
Formula window open
Alt + Shift + F1
New work sheet
Ctrl + ;
Insert current date
Ctrl + Shift +;
Current time
Spell check
Go to specific cell
Edit cell

By pressing this command file menu will open in your current window. For example if you are writing in word and press alt+F4 you will see menu like save as,save,open etc.

Show you edit menu in current window.

This is most popular key I think everyone know about it.if you are facing any issue at certain point while working on your system then this key is for universal help and it work in every window.

When you are at your computer, you always open work on different task. Mean to say that multi windows is open. For example, you are searching something on google, other is running in background, and you want to go to MS word then press alt and tabe.then you will easily switch from one window to another.

If you want to take a screen, shot of anything in your computer then by pressing these command you can take a screen shot.


At certain position when we open many application and run it parallel and our computer hardware is not powerfull.then our system stuck again and again.so we want to check which application is consuming more memory. This will open your task bar menu.
F2 is used to rename file or any other application.
When we complete our task or want no more work and want to close our open window simply click Alt + F4.


If you want to minimize your current workspace then use these commands.

If again need to open previous minimize window then press these keys/
 Microsoft explorer will open when you press these keys.

These keys will allow you to circle through all open window.

When you press these keys, a search pop up window will appear. From there you can search easily.
Microsoft window help.
Open run command.
Winkey + D
Hide or show desktop.
Alt + escap
Switch between programs.
Ctrl + Esc
Open start menu.
Press shift 5 times
Switch sticky key.
Hold num lock
Hold num lock for five-second switch toggle on and off .        

Windows commands

By typing the following commands in your run dialogue box you can perform specific task.
Devmgmt.msc Device manager
Msinfo32 system information
Cleanmgr disk cleanup
Mmc Microsoft management
WinWord Microsoft word

Other Useful Tips

Move Photo from your phone to Computer
When you capture a photo with mobile phone and want to move it to your computer without any data cable then use third party tools like
Air Droid
Find and Delete large file
You want to find and delete large folder, which consume more space, but you do not know where is that folder reside. Then download and use these tools to easily locate and delete.
Delete Previous Or old window folder
If your computer memory is running low in space. Then check old window folder and delete that folder otherwise after 30 days system automatically delete it.
System Take more time to boot
If your system is, slow when you open it and you want to boot quickely.then open task manager and configure those programs you want to launch during startup.
VLC Player sync issue
If your vlc player audio is not sync with video simply, click J or K, which will move audio forward or backward. Similarly, for subtitles press H or G to synchronize.
Run Program on computer which is infected
Malware prevent to run .exe file so you have to change the extension .exe to other like .com and run it.by-changing extension you will easily install it.
Secure you system
If your friends and other family member is using your computer without your permission and you want to keep your computer secure from other use. Then click Window+L this will lock your computer and if anyone want to access your computer they will be ask for password.
Scan Harmful Files
If you have any doubt on some file they it may affect your system. Then upload your file to Virus Total to scan your file with hundreds of anti-malware software.
Check new user connected to your Wi-Fi
If you are out of office and home and want to track that any new person is connected to your Wi-Fi are not? Then install wireless network watcher, which will allow you check new user and this will alarm you if anyone trying to connect your Wi-Fi.


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